
Credal is a tool which provides APIs, chat UI, and a Slackbot to help enterprises safely leverage AI. It automatically masks, redacts or warns users about sensitive data based on policies set by IT. It also allows for secure integration with enterprise data sources such as Google Drive, Confluence, and Slack, and provides audit logs, automatic redaction, MSAs, and permission syncing. It is trusted by leading companies and is loved by developers.
Pricing Model:Freemium

Credal is a tool which provides APIs, chat UI, and a Slackbot to help enterprises safely leverage AI. It automatically masks, redacts or warns users about sensitive data based on policies set by IT. It also allows for secure integration with enterprise data sources such as Google Drive, Confluence, and Slack, and provides audit logs, automatic redaction, MSAs, and permission syncing. It is trusted by leading companies and is loved by developers.


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