

Easy-Peasy.AI is an AI Content tool that helps users create content 10X faster. It provides over 80 templates to help with a variety of writing tasks including resumes, job descriptions, emails, and social media content. There are also tools to generate custom text, create art or images, write long-form content, automate audio transcription, and more. Additionally, there are features to improve copywriting, create catchy titles and descriptions, generate business names, translate to Singlish, explain complex topics, create user stories, generate performance reviews and testimonials, generate press releases, write catchy taglines, create headline and description for Google Ads, create Facebook Ads, generate SEO titles and meta descriptions, generate cover letters, tweets, bio, song ideas, lyrics, poems, quotes, jokes, greetings, podcast episode titles, podcast episode descriptions and show notes, and real estate listings.
Pricing Model:Freemium

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