

Embolden is an AI-powered copywriting tool designed to help ecommerce businesses create content 10x faster. It comes with 50+ writing tools, such as product description generators, abandoned cart emails writers, Facebook post generators, Instagram post generators, customer service response generators, and more. It provides users with the ability to quickly and easily generate SEO-friendly and optimized content for their ecommerce business.
Pricing Model:
This tool offers a free trial!

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A tool to create personalized videos at scale.
A tool to create personalized videos at scale.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.

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