

Focia is a content creation platform designed to help creators maximize their content engagement. It offers features such as content grading, content generation, trend predictions, an AI content assistant, and more. It has pricing plans for creators of all sizes, with a free option for those who just want to get inspired. Focia Ultimate is designed for business and enterprise users, offering custom limits, first class support, and custom features.
Pricing Model:Freemium

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A tool to create personalized videos at scale.
A tool to create personalized videos at scale.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.
A game uses a neural network to recognize doodles drawn.

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