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13 Best AI Tools Tags:Image Scanning

Body Scan by Zing
An app for Zoom customers to improve meetings with summaries, highlights, transc...
Receipt AI
An app for receipt management.
An app to convert photos to 3D models for augmented reality.
Segment Anything (Meta)
A open-source project that cut out any object in any images.
Computer vision training and image classification
Turn text, images, and documents into data that can be used to train AI
Scan real world items into 3D images
Thing Translator
Take a picture and Google's AI will tell you what it is
Luma AI
Scan real world items into 3D images (Using modern NeRF technology)
Monster Mash
Convert drawn images into 3D images and then animate them
Create motion capture animations using your webcam
Clip Interrogator
Plug-in an image and it will attempt to give you a prompt to replicate that imag...
Plug in an image and it will attempt to give you a prompt to replicate that imag...

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